Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-19 16:19:56.
Luna LMSLast ChangeSize
- Ă„NDERUNGEN.md1.34 years1,068
- checksums.smime209.0 days10,417
- demo-verschachtelung.txt2.23 years546
- doctests.md1.28 years361
- dokumentation108.8 days
- api1.22 years
- ajax.js2.56 years1,067
- all-documents.html1.22 years62,042
- apidocs.css1.24 years22,178
- bootstrap.min.css2.56 years117,305
- classIndex.html1.22 years6,499
- extra.css2.56 years-
- fonts2.56 years
- info.svg2.56 years474
- x-circle.svg2.56 years423
- fullsearchindex.json1.22 years181,568
- index.html1.22 years19,287
- luna_lms.html1.22 years19,287
- luna_lms.WebApp.html2.10 years23,542
- lunr.js2.56 years113,673
- moduleIndex.html1.22 years6,334
- nameIndex.html1.22 years33,340
- objects.inv1.22 years1,276
- pydoctor.js1.24 years1,074
- search.js1.24 years14,286
- searchindex.json1.22 years63,422
- searchlib.js1.24 years15,394
- undoccedSummary.html1.22 years6,202
- programmierung.md108.8 days22,456
- lernschritte_lesen.py1.23 years5,300
- LIESMICH.md1.28 years601
- LIZENZ.txt2.38 years34,523
- luna_lms25 seconds
- __init__.py106.2 days4,294
- storage22.7 hours
- __init__.py1.28 years934
- file_storage.py1.23 years23,998
- sqlite_storage.py22.7 hours28,000
- storage.py23.9 hours10,067
- webapp.py25 seconds105,383
- Makefile1.24 years1,425
- pages215.2 days
- about.default.html215.2 days287
- contact.default.html215.2 days266
- faq.default.html215.2 days353
- imprint.default.html215.2 days320
- privacy.default.html215.2 days269
- welcome.default.html1.25 years154
- setup.py2.33 years3,177
- static4.0 days
- account.svg217.1 days896
- account_add.svg216.1 days1,376
- back.svg216.1 days610
- bookmark.svg216.2 days1,741
- course_continue.svg216.1 days1,724
- course_start.svg217.1 days1,079
- diamond_black.svg217.1 days664
- diamond_highlight-darkmode.svg216.2 days671
- diamond_highlight.svg216.2 days671
- dot_black.svg217.1 days569
- dot_highlight-darkmode.svg216.2 days652
- dot_highlight.svg1.22 years652
- dot_white.svg221.1 days557
- down.svg125.2 days606
- forward.svg216.1 days587
- logo.default.svg1.25 years6,366
- modes.svg348.9 days1,472
- pen.svg217.1 days981
- reset.svg4.0 days830
- search-inactive.svg1.23 years1,095
- search.svg217.1 days1,045
- to_top_button.svg126.1 days1,928
- tooltip-pointer-darkmode.svg216.2 days559
- tooltip-pointer.svg217.1 days495
- w3.css2.33 years23,427
- tools2.7 days
- formatgen.py2.8 days2,339
- idgen.py196.2 days451
- import_html.py2.7 days17,004
- upgrade_db.py106.3 days12,806